How to Connect your External Calendars

How to connect your external calendars:

  1. Click on your Profile Icon
  2. Click Connect External Calendars from the menu and then Connect Calendars. .
  3. Follow the in-app instructions to connect your Apple or Google Calendar
    1. Click for more detailed step-by-step instructions for connecting to Apple or Google.
  4. Select which calendar you want to connect to Jam. (You can connect multiple calendars, but must do so one at a time.)
  5. Select whether to SYNC or IMPORT your calendar. Check out the differences here.

Jam Recommends:

Choose IMPORT for personal calendars to get all the activities on your Jam Calendar.

Choose SYNC for work calendars or calendars that need to continue to be updated.

How do I add additional calendars?

  1. Click on your profile icon and select "Connect External Calendars" from the menu.
  2. If you have already connected other calendars, you will see them listed. Click "Add External Calendar" to add another calendar.
  3. Follow the same steps as above.

Click here for more calendar FAQ's and Troubleshooting Tips.

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