FAQ: Connecting your External Calendars

Life works better when all the calendars are connected to Jam. It's a cinch to get things up and running, but we have our FAQ below for any questions you may have!

What is the difference between Syncing a calendar and Importing a calendar?

There are two different ways to connect existing calendars to Jam: a one-time Import that takes all your events and puts them into Jam's format OR a continuous Sync that remains read-only in Jam.

  • IMPORT: Recommended for personal and family calendars. With a calendar IMPORT, you can load all your existing personal events and activities straight into your Jam calendar.
    • Imported calendars are editable within Jam so you can use Jam features like assigning which family members the events are for and assigning drivers.
    • Edit events within Jam.
    • It is a one-time import.
    • Future changes to the external calendar will not reflect in Jam. 
  • SYNC: Recommended for Work calendars and Ongoing calendars that you or others will continue to use and add to moving forward. 
    • Synced Calendars will appear within your Jam Calendar as Read-Only.
    • Changes and edits must be made in the source calendar. 
    • Calendars are continuously synced.

Which calendars can I connect to Jam?

We currently integrate with iCloud (iCal/Apple) calendars and Google Calendars.

Can I connect multiple iCloud or Google calendars?

Yes! To add additional calendars, press Connect External Calendars under My Profile and follow the on-screen prompts to connect additional calendars to Jam.

Can I export Jam to my Apple/Google/external calendars?

Right now, calendars can only be synced or imported into Jam, not the other way around.

Will new events or changes from my synced Google or iCloud calendar show up right away on my Jam calendar?

They will show up, but not instantaneously. Right now Jam syncs to external calendars 5x a day at the following times: 6AM, 10AM, 2PM, 6PM and 10PM.

If you would like to do an INSTANT REFRESH of your synced calendars to see the most up-to-date version, you can always do so. First, click the FILTERS menu:


If you are not seeing an event, please send us feedback on this!

I connected my calendar and all the events are assigned to me. Can I reassign them?

When you connect calendars, the events come in to Jam assigned to you.

For imported calendars, it's easy to re-assign the events to the family member(s) you want. Simply click on the event and tag the appropriate family member(s). If it is a recurring event, you can make the change for all the events moving forward.

For synced calendars, they are READ ONLY and cannot be reassigned. If the calendar has events you would like to assign to other family members, consider disconnecting it and IMPORTING it instead.

Do I have to see all the calendars for all family members?

No! Every adult user in the family can filter their calendar views to their preferences, including the option to NOT see certain calendars or to ONLY see your own calendars. Once the filters have been set, they will remain that way until changed again. 

Why is my Sync or Import not working?

There are a few steps you can take if you don’t see your external calendar events syncing or importing into Jam:

  1. Give it at least 15 minutes, it sometimes takes a bit more time, especially if there are a lot of events in the calendar. 
  2. Double check that you imported/synced the correct calendar from Google or Apple (sometimes there are multiple calendars with the same name). 
  3. If you received a notification that the sync or import was complete but do not see the events: Report an issue to us at support@jamfamilycalendar.com and we will work to get you up and running ASAP.

Why don’t I see my calendar as a choice to sync or import?

Go back to your source calendar (Google or iCloud) and double check the name of the calendar and that you have access to it. It may be helpful to click on an event in that calendar — under the Event Details you will be able to see the name of the calendar it is assigned to.

Also, make sure you have selected the proper calendar platform. For example, if you have a Google Cal, even if you only look at it on your phone/in iCal, it is still an Google calendar, not an iCloud calendar! 

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